Evaluation of an Inflammatory Bowel Disease diet specific Question Prompt Sheet
Research Focus
The study aims to test the feasibility of a communication aid tool designed for people with IBD
The tool is a question prompt sheet (QPS) containing frequently asked questions related to food and eating with IBD
Similar tools have been successful in other health settings, enhancing communication between patients and healthcare providers
What is involved?
If you wish to participate you will be asked to complete questionnaires before and after the visit to the dietitian and to test an IBD diet specific Question Prompt Sheet
Before the visit:​
1. complete the Patient Activation Measure questionnaire (approx. 5 minutes)
2. read the Question Prompt Sheet ahead of the visit with the dietitian
After the visit with your dietitian:
3. Following the visit with your dietitian, you will be asked to complete the Patient Activation Measure a second time, the Nutrition Dietetics Patient Outcome Questionnaire and a feedback form (approximately 15 minutes)
4. Once completed enter a draw to win one of five $100 vouchers
Who can participate?
People are eligible to participate if they:
- have a scheduled visit to a dietitian or who intend to schedule a visit within October 2024
- diagnosed with IBD
- 18+ years
- can read and speak English
Useful information
Healthcare Plan Eligibility:
- This plan grants a Medicare rebate for dietitian visits
- People with chronic conditions like IBD can access a healthcare plan through their GP
- Bulk billing might be arranged on a case by case scenario
For more details, reach out to the research team. They can provide additional information on how to access the service.
The benefits
Direct Benefits:
- Enhanced communication with the dietitian
- Individualized care
- Discussion of priority questions and topics
Contribution to Improving Services:
- The information you share may help improve services for people with IBD
- As compensation for your time (up to 30 minutes), you have a chance to enter a draw and win one of five $100 vouchers
Join the study
Copy and paste the link below and sign the electronic consent form on a secrue REDCap platform.
Contact the research team
Do you have questions about the study? Email Chiara at
Miss X
'so it's a great way to guide questions when you've got no idea where to start. I got through a lot in the session and they were happy to answer my questions'
Miss Y
'The information in regards to diversity was very helpful and as someone with IBD you can become afraid to mix things up with food intake. I now understand the diversity will help improve my gut'
Mr Z
The question promt sheet is great, I have had IBD for many years and only in the last little while I have seen a dietician to help with my symptoms. I would have loved something like this years ago!!
Should reading this material cause you any distress, please contact any of the below support services
Crohn's and Colitis Helpline: 1800 138 029
Healthdirect: 1300 60 60 24
Meet the research team
Lead Researcher
Chiara is a Dietitian and PhD student at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She is interested in enhancing dietetics care provided to people with IBD
Dr Kelly Lambert is an Associate Professor and Advanced APD at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She is passionate about clinical dietetics as well as educating future health professionals and consumers
Professor Eleanor Beck has been a dietitian for more than 30 years and is a Fellow of Dietitians Australia
Ethics approval
This study has been reviewed by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Wollongong. If you not happy with the way this research has been conducted, you can contact the Ethics Officer at the University on 02 4221 3386 or email rso-ethics@uow.edu.au